Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Patriotic act

Even wondered why teachers really bothered teaching us History during our younger time? Seriously... it's bothering me so much that I can't sleep.. So I'll just tell it to everyone here.

History. His + story = History. So everyone has their own story. Their own unique story on their voyage on this vast land. So in Malaysia, I so remember being forced to memorize things that I can't even recall at all now. All about Malaysia... I guess that sums up everything.. Rather. that's the only thing I can say. Irony.

Actually... What do they really want to teach us? Is it really all about memorizing useless facts of OTHERS life? Or what? Are we that pathetic and hypocritic till expecting generations to memorize their " DUMMIES SURVIVAL GUIDE ON EARTH"?

This subject is more than a mere survival guide. It teaches us to make our last struggle. A struggle for ourselves. Towards victory . Self struggling can be expressed in many ways. ... Patriotic... Self defence... Selfish. In the end, it's all about survival of the fittest - Charles Darwin.

I'm doing my last struggle too.. Like a bird shot by the wing trying to fly. Or like a javelin thrower trying to blow the javelin so that it reaches further. Although it's useless.. well that's me for today.

1 comment:

absoluteswanderer said...

wow... this article is so... abstract! even though i don't fully understand it, but i find the writing very nice.. gud way of describing~ =)